3D classifications for distant galaxies in Webb’s CEERS Survey (NIRCam image)
GOODS-S field (NIRCam image, annotated)
Carina Nebula Jets (NIRCam Narrowband Filters - Annotated)
Carina Nebula Jets (NIRCam Narrowband Filters Compass Image)
Webb Glimpses Field of Extragalactic PEARLS, Studded With Galactic Diamonds
Neptune (NIRCam Image)
M82 (NIRCam image - shorter wavelengths)
Webb Tracks Clouds on Saturn’s Moon Titan (Clean)
Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey (NIRCam compass image)
Actively forming star system Lynds 483 (NIRCam image, annotated)
Galaxy cluster MACS J1423 (NIRCam image, annotated)
Firefly Sparkle Galaxy Inset (NIRCam Image)
Galaxy distribution in the Spiderweb Protocluster  (NIRCam, annotated)
Westerlund 1 (wide-field view)
Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (Hubble and Webb image)
Star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc (annotated)
Serpens Nebula North – aligned outflows crop (NIRCam image)
IC 5332
Lyman-α emitting galaxy EGSY8p7 (NIRCam image)
NGC 602 (Webb image)
Star-studded cluster (NGC 6440 NIRCam wide-field image)
I Zwicky 18 (wide-field view)
NGC 628
Portion of Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey (NIRCam compass image)
Transmission Spectrum — WASP-107 b (Hubble WFC3, Webb NIRCam, and Webb MIRI)
Horsehead Nebula (Euclid, Hubble and Webb images)
M82 (Webb and Hubble images, annotated)
NGC 1087
Southern Ring Nebula’s Spokes (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Image)
Webb Tracks Clouds on Saturn’s Moon Titan (Annotated)
Webb Takes a Stunning, Star-Filled Portrait of the Pillars of Creation (Annotated)
Webb spots a second lensed supernova in a distant galaxy
NGC 1300
Southern Ring Nebula’s Gas (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Compass Image - Annotated)
Webb Finds Distant Galaxies Seen Behind Pandora’s Cluster
NGC 1365
Distant Galaxy Samples Near Quasar J0100+2802 (NIRCam Image)
Webb spies a multifaceted disc
Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy (NIRCam image)
Arp 107 compass image
Digel Cloud 2S (annotated)
Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (NIRCam and MIRI image, annotated)
Star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc
Serpens Nebula centre crop (NIRCam image)
Crab Nebula (MIRI and NIRCam image, annotated)
NGC 4449 (NIRCam image - cropped)
Kilonova and host galaxy (annotated)
SN 1987A (NIRCam image, annotated)
M51 (NIRCam image)
Earendel and the Sunrise Arc in the galaxy cluster WHL0137-08
Showing 101 to 150 of 269