Webb Reveals Complex Galactic Structures
Webb Inspects the Heart of the Phantom Galaxy
Webb visits a star-forming spiral
Webb investigates a dusty and dynamic disc
Close look at a local galaxy
Tracing spiral arms in infrared
Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy
The exotic stellar population of Westerlund 1
Peeking into Perseus
The hidden intricacies of Messier 106
Jewelled ring
Fireworks of stellar starbursts
Star-studded cluster
A duo of starbursts in I Zwicky 18
A galactic treasury
A massive cluster is born
Galactic gathering
A prominent protostar in Perseus
No tricks, just treats
NIRCam’s view of NGC 6822
A FEAST for the eyes
The life and times of dust
Clash of the Titans
Webb peers behind bars
Cosmic seahorse
Seeing Triple
A Wreath of Star Formation in NGC 7469
A Spiral Amongst Thousands
Galactic Get-Together
Webb Explores a Pair of Merging Galaxies
Multi-Observatory Views of M74
The many faces of HH 30
NGC 2566 (MIRI image)
NGC 4449 (NIRCam)
Westerlund 1 (wide-field view)
Peeking into Perseus (wide field view)
NGC 4449 (MIRI)
S1 LMC N79 (cropped)
Star-studded cluster (NGC 6440 NIRCam wide-field image)
I Zwicky 18 (wide-field view)
Stephan’s Quintet (MIRI Imaging)
Webb spies a multifaceted disc
Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy (NIRCam image)
NGC 4449 (NIRCam image - cropped)
M51 (NIRCam image)
Hubble Sees the Big Picture of a Complex Galaxy
No tricks, just treats (M83 NIRCam image)
A Spiral Amongst Thousands
Messier 106 viewed by Hubble and Webb
M83 (MIRI image, scaled)
Showing 1 to 50 of 72