Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex (annotated)
NGC 604 (NIRCam image, annotated)
Star Cluster IC 348 (NIRCam compass image)
Webb Inspects NGC 346 (Annotated)
Hubble’s view of Cassiopeia A
NGC 604 (NIRCam image)
HH 211 (NIRCam image)
The Orion Bar region (Hubble image)
Webb inspects dusty debris disc around Fomalhaut (annotated)
Cassiopeia A (MIRI Image, Annotated)
Wolf-Rayet 124 (NIRCam and MIRI composite image - annotated)
Webb’s View of the Molecular Cloud Chameleon I (Annotated)
Protostar L1527 (Annotated)
NGC 604 (MIRI image)
Wolf-Rayet 124 (NIRCam and MIRI composite image)
Wolf-Rayet 124 (MIRI image)
Tarantula Nebula (NIRCam Image - Annotated)
Hubble’s view of Wolf-Rayet 124
Wolf-Rayet 124 (MIRI image)
Tarantula Nebula (MIRI Image - Annotated)
Two Views of the Tarantula Nebula (NIRCam and MIRI images)
Map of Webb's European Partners
MIRI and Spitzer Comparison Image
Webb in Full Focus
Webb's First Image of Focused Star
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