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ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2503 - Webb wows with incredible detail in actively forming star system
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2502 - Webb exposes complex atmosphere of starless super-Jupiter
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2501 - Webb watches carbon-rich dust shells form, expand in star system
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2430 - Webb finds planet-forming discs lived longer in early Universe — New data refutes current theories of planet formation in Universe’s early days
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2429 - Found: first actively forming galaxy as lightweight as young Milky Way
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2428 - Webb finds surprises in Spiderweb protocluster field
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2427 - Sombrero Galaxy dazzles in new Webb image
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2426 - Webb and Hubble examine spooky galaxy pair
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2425 - Webb finds candidates for first young brown dwarfs outside the Milky Way
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2424 - Webb finds potential missing link to first stars
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2423 - Webb provides another look into galactic collisions
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2422 - Webb peers into the Extreme Outer Galaxy
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2421 - Webb images cold exoplanet 12 light-years away
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2420 - Vivid portrait of interacting galaxies marks Webb’s second anniversary
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2419 - Astronomers find surprising shapes in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2418 - Webb captures star clusters in Cosmic Gems arc
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2415 - First of its kind detection made in striking new Webb image — Alignment of bipolar jets confirms star formation theories
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2417 - Investigating the origins of the Crab Nebula with Webb — New data revise our view of this unusual supernova explosion.
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2416 - Webb finds plethora of carbon molecules around young star
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2414 - Webb cracks case of inflated exoplanet
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2413 - Webb detects most distant black hole merger to date
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2412 - Webb hints at possible atmosphere surrounding rocky exoplanet
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2411 - Webb captures iconic Horsehead Nebula in unprecedented detail
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2410 - Webb probes an extreme starburst galaxy — Amid a galaxy teeming with new and young stars lies an intricate substructure
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2409 - Cheers! Webb finds ethanol and other icy ingredients for worlds
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2408 - Webb and Hubble telescopes affirm Universe’s expansion rate, puzzle persists — Webb measurements shed new light on a decade-long mystery.
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2407 - Webb peers into the tendrils of NGC 604
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2406 - Webb unlocks secrets of one of the most distant galaxies ever seen
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2405 - Webb finds dwarf galaxies reionised the Universe
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2404 - Webb finds evidence for a neutron star at heart of young supernova remnant
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2403 - Webb depicts staggering structure in 19 nearby spiral galaxies
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2402 - Webb reveals that galaxy mergers are the solution to early Universe mystery
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2401 - Webb discovers dusty cat’s tail in Beta Pictoris System
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2332 - Webb rings in the holidays with the ringed planet Uranus
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2331 - Webb identifies tiniest free-floating brown dwarf — Discovery helps answer the question: How small can you go when forming stars?
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2330 - Researchers stunned by Webb’s new high-definition look at exploded star
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2329 - Webb study reveals rocky planets can form in extreme environments
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2328 - Webb reveals new features in heart of the Milky Way
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2327 - Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colourful View of Universe — The result: a vivid landscape of galaxies along with more than a dozen newly found time-varying objects
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2326 - The Crab Nebula Seen in New Light by Webb
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2325 - Webb makes its first detection of heavy element from star merger — Webb’s study of the second-brightest gamma-ray burst ever seen reveals tellurium.
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2324 - Webb captures an ethereal view of NGC 346
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2323 - Webb finds carbon source on surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2322 - Webb snaps supersonic outflow of young star
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2321 - Webb discovers methane, carbon dioxide in atmosphere of K2-18 b
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2320 - Webb captures detailed beauty of Ring Nebula
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2319 - Webb snaps highly detailed infrared image of actively forming stars
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2318 - Webb detects water vapour in rocky planet-forming zone
ESA/Hubble/Webb Science Release weic2317 - Webb sees carbon-rich dust grains in the first billion years of cosmic time
ESA/Hubble/Webb Photo Release weic2316 - Webb celebrates first year of science with close-up on the birth of Sun-like stars