Pan of II ZW 96
Pan of the Webb’s Portrait of the Pillars of Creation (MIRI)
Video: Pan of IC 1623
Pan of the Tarantula Nebula (NIRCam Image)
Pan of the Tarantula Nebula (MIRI Image)
Pan of Combined optical/mid-infrared image of M74 (Hubble and Webb)
Pan of the Phantom Galaxy
Webb Showcases the Cartwheel Galaxy (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Image)
Pan of the Carina Nebula (Combined NIRCam and MIRI Image)
Pan of the Carina Nebula (NIRCam Image)
Pan of Stephan’s Quintet (MIRI Imaging)
Pan of Stephan’s Quintet (NIRCam + MIRI Imaging)
Pan of the Southern Ring Nebula (NIRCam Image)
Pan of the Southern Ring Nebula (MIRI Image)